Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Saw the title for this online and was a little disappointed when I found out what it was.
And wouldn't it be so much better if this had real New York graffiti in it as well. I might be tempted to have a go then. And then with multi-player online there should be an option to bomb the trains. The potential is there. . someone make that happen please, cheers
Sometimes I miss working in computer games.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Shoreditch Shuffle

So myself and Rough and a bunch of other artists got invited to be part of the Shoreditch Shuffle and paint at the roof garden party at Cordy House. So we relaxed with the music, drinks and bbq and freestyled a mini joint. The layout is designed to work even if it is split into halves or quarters, but who knows what happened to it after.

Sticker Bomb

The sticker bomb launch party that took place at the Red Bull HQ in London. Freestyle window sticker design and mini sticker gallery using stickers pulled straight out the book.
I generally like all kinds of art books and I love stickers, and the 'Sticker Bomb' book from Studio Rarekwai is a whole book full of stickers. So it was great to get asked to do some for it. You can pick it up in most book stores now, or Amazon. Not sure if it's just the glue on the stickers but that book smells great

I did two Zombie Cans. They are number 184 and 185 in the book and you can check out the images in my 'Illustration' section
Launch Party close up at my facebook gallery

Cans 2

Hopefully I've got my photo's to show up from my blogger ftp.
I painted at the Cans 2 festival. Got together with Ikonoklast, Part2ism, Juice 126, Chu, Rough and Mac1 and had a nice day painting. This is my character with Remi/Rough's piece coming out the eyes. Was originally going to paint the light coming from below but with the street light already up top it made sense to change it.

Had some breakfast at a nearby cafe before we got started and worked out what to paint. Rough and myself had to get finished quickly as we were working on the Sticker Bomb launch party the day after.
More pictures from Cans 2 at My Facebook gallery

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Dave McKean

I've updated my Dave McKean site with lots of new stuff. The tarot set is up and the Publications list is up to date

Meanwhile I still can't figure out why pictures don't have permission to show up in my blog from my ftp. Still got new work to finish for the end of the year and getting ready for Berlin in two weeks, I'll get round to it some time.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Rough in Aberdeen

Rough has a show up in Aberdeen that's looking good. Check out his pics on Agents of Change

First post

The 'Graff' section has some finally found photo's of the work done in Perth with Rough and Juice when we were invited to paint the Murray Street mural by our good buddy Stormie.
And 'Illustration' has some new pieces for the Sticker Bomb book and exhibition work done for a show we had in Perth.