Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Friday, 8 October 2010

Apparition Park by Jeff Noon and Steve Beard

'Apparition Park' was an awesome colaborative writing project by Jeff Noon and Steve Beard using the Mappalujo engine. The original online writing project created online in 2002 at
The writing game was a shared narrative with the writers taking turns at each chapter and the Mappalujo Engine infecting the style with a celebrity virus. The project was later collected together and refined into a finished story.

We did talk about maybe working on an illustrated version of the book. Each chapter would have the Mappalujo Engines choice of celebrity virus. I know my brother will be interested to see these. We are both huge fans of Jeff Noon. Heres two sample chapter headings infected by Harry Houdini and Jim Rose. Under the title is an object featured within the chapter.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Death Day by Sam Hiti

Death Day by Sam Hiti.
An awesome sci-fi strip with lots of action, all done in a beautiful brush and ink style that Sam Hiti seems to perfect.
You can check out the first three chapters and prologue on his Death Day website for free.
There's also the collected first book available that contains chapter 4. Chapter 4 is huge. The battle gets epic.
I got myself a copy of the black band edition and it's beautifully presented. Take off the black band to get at the bug eyed insane Third Wave Commando Captain wrap-around dust jacket and a great original sketch inside. Goes nicely with the hand drawn cover of the Prologue book.

Who needs new comics day when you can have self published books sent straight from the artist with a unique hand drawn sketch in it.

Check out his website and his blog