Sunday, 20 December 2009

Ice Ice Baby

Dear Brighton Council. Thanks for leaving our roads covered in ice. Always good to feel safe even on the pavements. Great job

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Oh my grudd it's a drokkin Judge film!

This is drokkin awesome! That is artist Greg Staples as Judge Dredd? These amazing costume tests were made for a Judge Dredd Based fan film "Judge Minty" currently in production. Seriously how do I get one of them Judge helmets!! Which one of you Umpty Candy eating Sumps do I have to kill to get one?

I have got a serious nerd-on for this fan film. 2000AD was my first real comic. I think I was nine when 'prog 1' was given to me, and I grew up with it. And Judge Dredd is what kept me coming back for more. The art of Mick McMahon and Brian Bolland made Dredd what he is today and their work is what first really inspired me to want to draw. Judge Dredd is a total evil fascist who represents everything wrong with governments and the law gone wrong. But he's a total badass and takes no shit. Some of those early stories with all the subtle humour thrown in are just great. The world of Mega City 1 got crazier as time went on, and the world got bigger than Judge Dredds boots. How can you not love a bit of Dredd.
Fuck Hollywood's Stallone version, this is how the Dredd looks. This has got me more excited than them Twilight Moms drooling over 'team Jacob'

I think they have picked the perfect story to work with. 'Judge Minty' from 2000AD prog 147 by John Wagner and Mick McMahon (Complete case files vol.3). One of those stories that gives the world a bit of depth, and the judges some real character. I was so hoping that his story was going to carry on the week after and it didn't happen. So finally we will get to see old Minty take his first steps into the cursed earth.
Read more about it and follow the updates on the Judge Minty Blogspot and The official web page
Also check out the 'Minty' sketch by Mick McMahon back in February


Saturday, 14 November 2009

Toys are awesome!

Toys are awesome. Stormtroopers are awesome.
Therefore, double the need to add more toys to my wishlist...
Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise
12 inch Figures

Even down to the detail in the helmets..
my shelves need these immediatly

Sideshow collectibles
Need to get my Dear Santa letter ready....

Monday, 28 September 2009

Juice, Rough and me painting into the ev

Juice, Rough and me painting into the evening for Mutate Britain 2

Saturday, 5 September 2009

I am in Hastings, painting stuff. This m

I am in Hastings, painting stuff. This mtn 94 paint is really good for sketching.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Lost Colours & Alibis

My good friend and fellow Ikonoklast crew member Remi Rough
has a book. 'Lost Colours and alibis' Covering over 20 years of his work, from his early days, Ikonoklast years and up to present day. 104 pages of original artworks, walls, trains and history

Go to the Agents of Change website and get yourself a copy of this nicely designed, limited release.

And even better, as we've painted together quite a few times, you can find my work in there too.
Lot's of other artists in there aswell, but most importantly, my stuff, so even more reason to get a copy..

Also, check out some of the work from Remi's solo show 'Lost Colours & Alibis' he recently did at the Urban Angel Gallery

Last Chance Saloon

Time really does fly by. The show is well and truly over and a new show is up at Galeria Nuble. But if anyone is still interested in a painting, now is the time to get in contact with Galeria Nuble and ask them before I have the remaining work sent back to me. The small stuff and cardboard work is all gone but don't let that stop you :)
iro iro This girl is based on early Heian style, and inspired by the Hina Matsuri dolls, wearing Juni-Hitoe robes. Love this style as it's really over the top and ceremonial. 'Iro Iro' was the last painting done for the show. It roughly translates as 'this and that' and probably has the most layers of all the work. Starting with a few layers of random sketching with spraypaint, then tagging, quick throw up to cover it, and then buffing it off as much as I can. You can see the first layers just about showing through. Interestingly, I notice that the anti-graffiti stuff melted off all the 'graffiti paint' by Montana but just didn't work on the 'Grog' black ink or Hycote's double acrylic spray.
I gave it a couple of days to dry out and painted a character on top with acrylic. Then framed it with a little throwup.

layers progress

Buffing away the layers makes for really nice textures.
detail textures

Galeria Nuble

The buffing thing really makes me wonder though.. Montana is making paint to directly target graffiti artists and yet it's really easy to buff off. City Council's should stop whining and quit lying about the cost of buffing it off. End custodial sentences for graffiti artists and make them clean it off.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Yellow Kimono

'Gaijin No Bijinga' at Galeria Nuble in Santander.

My show, up now until July 4th, originally started with the Yellow Kimono, my first picture of the show that inspired the direction I was going to go. Originally called 'Sykimono' for the postcards, short for 'system-kimono', it is now called 'Kikimono', Kiiro(Yellow) - Kimono, basically short for Yellow Kimono. Paper and antique calligraphy pages wood glued to canvas before painting acrylic and dye.
The main head decoration is based on the traditional Geisha 'Kanzashi' hair ornaments. In place of the flowers is my 'System' piece.

I mostly stopped painting lettering in my graff when I joined Ikonoklast in 1989 and went through my Gigerism biomechanical style. And I always just liked painting characters anyway, and was always happy to be the character guy when doing productions. I still do outlines in my sketchbook or doodle on old paper and even hide them in my illustration work now and then but you won't see them very often. When I worked in computer games I would hide my name somewhere in each game I worked on. Lettering is something that never leaves you, and it's what makes the graff art movement so unique. After all these years I still love all graffiti. A city just doesn't feel right for me if it isn't written on.
But I still also like drawing. This is the original sketch on old newsprint paper.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Life-size Gundam

This is simply the greatest piece of awesome ever created.
God created Man. Man took out a rib and created Woman. Man promised he would call Woman the next day but instead he created Life-size Gundam!!
That's exactly how it happened...

Photos on Danny Choo's website.
And some nice night-time shots too
The original press release to announce that all this is to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Gundam.
I really want one of these. Not sure my shelf could take it though..

Monday, 8 June 2009

Looking at Gaijin no Bijinga

'Gaijin No Bijinga' is up until July 4th at Galeria Nuble in Santander.

I put up an installation of cardboard as a backdrop to my illustrations on discarded boxes. And above the table you can just about see the O-shide lightning bolts put up for good luck. A huge thanks to my fellow Agents Of Change Rough and Timid for helping me get it all finished on time for the opening, and understanding my need for huge cups of coffee. (Whats with all the tiny cups everyone drinks over there, I'm hoping that everyone will be drinking the 'System Coffee' next time I go back to Spain)

I had a great time and the gallery is a great size. The gallerist Jose Luis was fantastic and looked after us, and got the flyer and catalogue printed faster than anything I've ever seen printed.
Ive updated the website with photos of the work in the Exhibits section.

While there, Galeria Nuble also got involved with the 'Graffiti' exhibition taking place at the Museo de Bellas de Santander. An exhibition to bring graffiti into the museum of fine art. Remi/Rough and myself were invited to take part so we got a nice wall to paint along with a few local crews. And definite props to the Vándalos crew VDS who seemed to have VDS dubs and throwups everywhere we went in Santander. On the opening day there was a quick digital blackbook session with laptops and phones :) and they showed us a video of their exploits from all over Spain. Very nice, nuff said..

'Graffiti' exposicion pdf from Santander council.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

The show is open. The work is all up. Ca

The show is open. The work is all up. Cardboard instalation finished just in time after i threw this sketch up. Now for a drink.. Wheres my coffee?

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Mr. Remi hard at work as we paint the fi

Mr. Remi hard at work as we paint the fine art museum. Blue and yellow is nice

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

My paintings and myself arrived safe in

My paintings and myself arrived safe in Santander. The flyers are looking good and ready to send off.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Gaijin no Bijinga

My first solo gallery show.
New work inspired by Bijinga art of Japan with elements of graffiti finding their way into the illustrations, from the calligraphy of graff lettering to the destroyed textures of buffing.

I will be painting graff in the Gallery and also working with Rough at the Museum of modern art.
Getting close now, should be good fun.

Galería Nuble
Daoiz y Velarde,
26 39003

Facebook Event Page

Also added into my Exhibits section. Will post more here as the event happens.
In this section I mention how I am an outsider/ foreigner to the Bijinga artform. I just realised that, as my show is in Spain, I am an 'outsider' there too :)

Monday, 16 March 2009

Urban Evil

Urban Angel in London have updated their catalogue of paintings and you can buy the collaborations I did with Juice 126.

These look so nice in the flesh with Juices drip-style done in metalics and the heavy gloss finish. Lovely

The Giant Oh

Giant Oh at the Nancy Victor Gallery in London. Not a gallery show, nothing to buy, just a little installation. Come and relax, chill out, have a beer or a Red Bull Cola, bring your camera or charge up your camera phones. Come and see the actual giant 'O' made by Simona.

More pictures up at

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Im in london, doing some painting with r

Im in london, doing some painting with remi / rough at the nancy victor gallery.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

King Size

I love art books, especially graffiti art books. King Size is an amazing project. Adams made a super-sized homemade marker and sent it to writers he thought would put it to good use. This book shows you how the marker was made and then the photos of them in action. Featuring Sacer, Twist, Foe, Kegr, Nug and Zys. Man, this is how big tags should be.
There's also three sections of text by various authors. The best one is 'Gotten Up' by Craig Castleman who wrote 'Getting Up: Subway Graffiti in New York' back in 1982, another damn good book, If you don't have it, why the feck not?
King Size has been next to my desk since I first got it, it's a great looking book. Each book is hand finished with it's own cardboard covers so each is unique. There was 3000 printed. The poor bastard had to cut out 6000 pieces of cardboard and gaffa tape them to the pages. I got the frosties box.. lol. The sticker on the front is the actual size of the marker nib. Nice touch

It's came out a while ago but it might still be available from some graff stores online. Please try and get one. Iv'e picked it up again because it turns out someone has posted the original PDF online. It's the original, not scanned, so all the pictures are clean and not all newsprint halftone dots. Niice!

Also this week, I went down to my local Borders to find a copy of the latest Juxtapoz featuring Chaz Bojorquez interviewed by Saber. Samples here. Love that guys writing style.

Instead I found the latest copy of VNA, very nearly almost issue 8.
Featuring Kid Acne and Nylon, this is the best issue they have done yet. Show your support and go get one.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Fw: Interesting collection going on in t

Interesting collection going on in the back of north lanes in Brighton.

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Release the Kraken!

The Kraken Opus store in Covent Garden London.

Little demo piece created outside the store by myself and Remi/Rough as the store is now showing work from the Urban Angel Gallery.
Might still be up and intact if you head on into London now.

Sketched a little something over coffee. ( I like my coffee ) Then we got to work.
Check out the time lapse photos at the Opus blog

While I was painting, some drunk guy asked if I was Banksy. And the shop next door came out worried that the shop didn't know graffiti artists were painting.. yeah, right, in broad daylight while the shop was open, they didn't know a thing.. numbnuts!
Great day, Cheers Urban Angel.

I have got so much catching up to do to update everything Ive been doing lately but I thought I would get started by posting this, the most recent. I'll get around to the rest later. Meanwhile here's the cheeky chaps outside the store. Check out the size of that book in the window.. damn that's a huge book!