Monday, 8 June 2009

Looking at Gaijin no Bijinga

'Gaijin No Bijinga' is up until July 4th at Galeria Nuble in Santander.

I put up an installation of cardboard as a backdrop to my illustrations on discarded boxes. And above the table you can just about see the O-shide lightning bolts put up for good luck. A huge thanks to my fellow Agents Of Change Rough and Timid for helping me get it all finished on time for the opening, and understanding my need for huge cups of coffee. (Whats with all the tiny cups everyone drinks over there, I'm hoping that everyone will be drinking the 'System Coffee' next time I go back to Spain)

I had a great time and the gallery is a great size. The gallerist Jose Luis was fantastic and looked after us, and got the flyer and catalogue printed faster than anything I've ever seen printed.
Ive updated the website with photos of the work in the Exhibits section.

While there, Galeria Nuble also got involved with the 'Graffiti' exhibition taking place at the Museo de Bellas de Santander. An exhibition to bring graffiti into the museum of fine art. Remi/Rough and myself were invited to take part so we got a nice wall to paint along with a few local crews. And definite props to the VĂ¡ndalos crew VDS who seemed to have VDS dubs and throwups everywhere we went in Santander. On the opening day there was a quick digital blackbook session with laptops and phones :) and they showed us a video of their exploits from all over Spain. Very nice, nuff said..

'Graffiti' exposicion pdf from Santander council.

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