Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Sketchbook - what I been watching

Whole Train

Whole Train. It's a great film, directed by Florian Gaag, about a Munich graffiti crew.
For a change, it's a pretty accurate look at graffiti artists. Theres some stunning graffiti in here by Neon, Won, Cemnoz, Pure and Ciel. That train that pulls up early on is amazing. Love the Won character.
I had to watch the film in German as the subtitles didnt work. I don't even understand German and it was still a great film.
Cant wait to watch it again with decent subs.
I could have drawn the racking, the bombing in ski masks, the fighting with police but this scene, not exactly the most dramatic scene to sketch from a movie, it's one that I most Identified with.
What I miss most is the black book sessions. Either before we went painting or after an event chilling out we all just sketched up in our piece books, swap books. Looked over tons of graff photos and magazines. Good times with good friends.
Graffiti and Hip Hop is fucking awesome.

Whole Train website

Won ABC crew and scroll down to 'Wholetrain Movie Ghostpaintings'

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